Thursday, August 29, 2024


Components of Selenium

  1. Selenium IDE
  2. Selenium RC
  3. Selenium Webdriver - communicated with Browser
  4. Selenium Grid
  1. Image not supported
  2. no reports
  3. No RestAPI or Database support
  4. No Mobile testing
  5. Can not handle popup
  6. Dynamic content????
WebDriver Capabilities (not not in RC):
  1. multiple frames
  2. pop-ups
  3. browser windows
  4. alerts
  5. page navigation
  6. drag & drop
  7. Ajax
Object Repository
  1. Implicit - wait for
  2. Explicit
    1. WebDriver wait
    2. Fluent wait
Locators types
  1. id
  2. name
  3. link Text
  4. Partial Link Text
  5. CSS Selector
  6. xpath
  1. driver.findElement("")
Size of the Window
  1. maximize()
  2. getSize()
  3. setSize()
  4. JavaScriptExecutor: executeScript - executeAsyncScript - for scroll
POM - Page Object Model
Page Factory

Action Class - mouse/keyboard
drag and drop, control key

  1. void dismiss()
  2. void accept()
  3. String getText()
  4. void sendKeys(String stringToSend)
Robot (Native) - mouse & keyboard
  1. upload files
  2. keyPress()
  3. keyRelease()
  4. MouseMove()
  5. MousePress()
  6. mouseRelease()
  1. File src = ((TakeScreenshot)driver)getScreenshotAs(OutputType FILE);
Window Handle
  1. get.windowhandle()
  2. get.windowhandles()
  3. set
  4. switch to
  5. action

  1. Event Listeners
Assert and verify
String PROXY="192.168/0.0:4444";
Network Latency = driver.manage.pageLoadingTime()
Serversidelog: java -jar.jar -log selenium.log

  1. WebDriverException
  2. NoAlertPresentException
  3. NoSuchElementException
  4. NoSuchFrameException
  5. NoSuchWindowException
  6. Timeout

driver.switchTo.frame() - name, number

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